14 Signs Your Male Friend Has A Crush On You

1. He reacts strangely when you bring up your romantic life in front of him. Often, he’ll shut down, trying to change the subject, or make a disparaging remark about someone you’re interested in. Friends should be able to discuss their relationships with one another, but he might have more than friendly feelings towards you.
2. When you do mention to him that you’re interested in someone, he’ll find reasons – however insignificant they might be – that the person in question isn’t worthy of your time. You get the sense that the amount of energy he expends cutting down your budding relationships is not normal.
3. He will drop all other obligations to hang out with you, do you a favor, or otherwise be around you – even if you assure him it’s not necessary. Out of all his friends, he consistently prioritizes you – though you might not do the same.
4. His mom adores you, and she will sometimes make comments in passing about the two of you getting together. She also nags him to invite you over all the time. He may not have said anything to her, but Momma knows.* *This may also apply to your mutual friends.
5. Sometimes, you catch him staring at you with a peculiar expression on his face – like he has much on his mind and wants to say something. But, when you prompt him by asking what’s up, he just turns red and mutters “nothing.”
6. You talk all the time, but he initiates the majority of your conversations. He’ll text you when random things during his day remind him of you. He’ll message you funny memes. He’ll send you selfies all day long (if they’re shirtless selfies, carefully positioned to look casual, you’ll know that he’s putty in your hands).
7. He remembers oddly specific details from conversations that the two of you have. Others (including you, yourself) would forget these details – it’s in our nature to sometimes tune out of our conversations, filtering and committing to memory only the most important details. But, he’s a-listenin’ and paying attention.

8. Your opinion matters to him. He will consistently consult you when problems arise in his life, and you get the feeling that he takes your advice more seriously than he does any other friend’s. This, alone, might not indicate that he has feelings for you but, combined with everything else, it might suggest that a lil’ something-something is brewing under the surface.
9. He watched two whole seasons of The Hills in one sitting with you, even though he can’t stand the show. That’s basically love.
10. If you don’t have a date to some function, he always gladly and enthusiastically volunteers himself before you even ask.
11. The people he dates always seem to dislike you – even if you haven’t given them any reason to and even if you barely interact with them. It’s somewhat natural to feel territorial towards your significant other, but they might feel threatened because they sense something you don’t.
12. He constantly tells you that the people you date aren’t good enough for you or that you deserve “better.” It isn’t that you have a knack for choosing losers (or maybe you do); it might be that he’s hoping you’ll choose him instead.
13. Especially when he’s under the influence, he will make suggestive remarks towards you or hit on you, but afterwards, he’ll always play it off as a joke. They say a drunk boy’s words are a sober boy’s thoughts, and he might be cautiously testing the waters.
14. Once, when the two of you grabbed dinner, you said something along the lines of: “Hey! If we both end up single when we’re old, we should just marry one another.” And he subsequently started choking on his water.

So, if you notice any of these signs from your friend know that he is having a crush on you big time.

Your Boyfriend Might Be Dating His Girlfriend -5 Signs

We’re just friends.” Ladies, we’ve all heard it. However, there will always be that one girl that always seems like more than just “a friend”. You are not crazy. Trust your gut and don’t let it go.
Here are 5 signs to look for
1. She has always disliked you and you’ve always known it.
From day one she barely acknowledged your existence, let alone the fact that you were a significant part in her friend’s life and it doesn’t really seem to bother your boyfriend either. "Hello", that it's redflag
2. She is one of the friends he texts to get through the day .
Think about how much we share with our work day texting buddies. Likes, dislikes, secrets and general life stories can all be shared in the course of 8 hours with someone other than you? and you are not the wiser?
3. At a party, they always end up playing drinking games together.
In a room full of 20+ people they always manage to play together or go up against each other. What better way to flirt than to casually disguise it with alcohol and FRIENDly competition? 
4. They got out on “friend” dates, you’re not invited.
It’s important to get along with your boyfriend’s friends. After all, they are a crucial part of his life. But somehow these two always seem to get together by themselves for dinner, a drink or ice cream “just to catch up”. And you can’t tag along on that because…?
5. When you bring your issues with their friendship up, you’re “crazy”.
Every time you bring up the fact that this friendship bothers you, you’re the one being absolutely ridiculous. If he is going out of his way to make you feel like you’re the crazy one and then doing nothing to comfort you about it. You’re right, they are not “just friends.”

14 Things To Make Your Girlfriend Feel Special

1. Even if you aren’t the greatest cook, dimming the lights and firing up a few candles while eating makes it such a romantic setting. Seriously, even if it’s just cheeseburgers, there’s something so nice about lighting candles.
2. Leave a little note in her car or at her place with a sweet message on it. It takes just a few seconds to do and will totally brighten her day.
3. Remember the names of her friends. It shows that you’re

11 Signs That He Will Never Love You Back

So, you’ve figured it out. You’re falling in love. Sure, he leaves wet towels on the bed and he’s a maniac about telling you to turn out all of the lights in his apartment, but somehow, someway, you’ve managed to fall completely, totally, in love with this guy.

Now for the big question: If you say “I love you,” will he say “I love you, too?” In fact, will he ever even love you back?

4 Things To Spice Up Your Love This Weekend

A romantic weekend with your husband or wife could also be just what you two want. However are you ready for it?

Need to shake up the same old routine of things to do this long weekend with your partner ? When the typical “dinner and a movie” just isn’t making the cut anymore, it’s usually time to add some zest to your weekend date ideas.

4 romantic things to do with your partner this lengthy weekend.

1. Go for a movie marathon

9 things you should know about women

1. Never make fun of their “mascara face.” It’s not pretty, but it gets the job done.

2. Don’t make fun of her for taking selfies. Sure, maybe it’s a little bit shallow and narcissistic, but it beats the hell out of low self-esteem and body shaming. If someone’s happy with the way they look, that’s a step in the right direction.

3. Bring her flowers, compliment her, surprise her with a nice dinner — any little gesture that expresses your feelings. They will appreciate it and not think it’s cheesy like others might.

4. Don’t ever tell them they are “wasting” money on makeup or beauty products and

Why You Should Fall In Love With Your Best Friend

Falling in love together with your best pal is like having your entire prayers answered and passed to you on a silver platter.

When you fall in love along with your exceptional buddy, you dont comprehend folks who whinge about love or relationships, you dont relate to heartbreak stories or present day relationship struggles. You dont comprehend how verbal exchange can also be hard or how persons fall out of love.

Seeing that falling in love along with your bestfriend is a blessing

8 Strong Benefits Of Kissing

1.Reduce Your Blood Pressure

Kissing helps to dilate your blood vessels, which may help lower your blood pressure.

2.Relieve Cramps and Headaches

The blood-vessel-dilation effect described above also helps to relieve pain, particularly from headache or menstrual cramps.

3.Fight Cavities

When you kiss, saliva production increases in your mouth, and this helps to wash away plaque on your teeth that may lead to cavities. That said, cavity-causing bacteria can also be transmitted via a kiss, especially if the person you're kissing has poor oral habits. It's even been shown that cavity-causing bacteria can spread from a mother's kiss to her baby.

4.Release Your Happy Hormones

Kissing prompts your brain to release a happy elixir of feel-good chemicals like

Going Through Break-up? What You Should Do

1. Be both gentle and strict with yourself. Allow yourself time to grieve, to feel lost, to hate being alone. And then force yourself to get up and keep living.
2. Vow to learn from the mistakes you may have made in the relationship, and then forgive yourself and forget about it.
3. Read a book that is both relaxing to you and a total break from your normal reality. Fantasy, mystery, thriller – whatever is effortless and exciting for you to read, and takes you completely out of your regular world.
4. Find the people you trust, and learn how to reach out to them when you’re feeling vulnerable.
5. Start a series that you’ve been meaning to binge-watch for a long time but have not yet gotten to.
6. Indulge in a purchase that’s going to make you feel good about yourself. Racking up an insane credit card bill is not going to make you happy, but making one or two purposeful, well-researched purchases on things you really want (new make up, a gym membership, art classes, whatever) will certainly perk you up a bit.
7. Surround yourself with people that make you feel the most like you.
8. Keep a stash of something you can treat yourself to after a bad day: wine, chocolate, ice cream, beer. But whatever this specific item is, save it only for the really bad days, to make it all the more special.
9. Get more sleep. If you’re having trouble with it, try an over-the-counter supplement like melatonin.
10. Start to look at your time alone as a luxury instead of something to dread, by finding fun and relaxing things that you can do all on your own.
11. Admit to your friends and family when you need help: therapy, low-key social interactions, a visit, or even just an affectionate hug.
12. Know that asking for help makes you strong, not weak.
13. Get a massage.
14. Get another massage.
15. Maintain a healthy distance from your ex. Texts and phone calls will be tempting, but it’s important (especially in the beginning) to have a cold break that allows you to get acclimated to your new reality.
16. Avoid wasting energy worrying about the other people that your ex may or may not be dating or hooking up with. You probably won’t be able to fully stop yourself from wondering about it, but make a conscious effort to shush your mind when you feel the worry coming on.
17. Take long, aimless walks. Even ten minutes can be beneficial to your mood.
18. If you’ve wanted to adopt a pet for a long time (and are financially and logistically capable of taking care of another living being), now is the time.
19. Go out of your way to find things to be thankful for in each day.
20. Invest in a super comfortable, warm bedspread if you don’t already have one.
21. Make an effort to be kinder to other people. It will make you feel happier, too.
22. Don’t waste your days obsessing over what could have been.
23. Instead, think about the reasons why your relationship didn’t work out, and what you need from a relationship next time around that was missing this past time. Use this as a learning experience.
24. Find a positive mantra to repeat in your head every day, even if it’s as simple as I can do this or I’m going to be alright.
25. Look people in the eye when you talk to them. It’s a small change that will make you feel so much more connected to others, which can be especially helpful during a time when you feel very alone.
26. Remind yourself that a new relationship is not the way to heal yourself. It can surely make you happ ier ; but the way to heal is to learn how to be happy on your own before you attempt to find happiness with another person again.
27. Go out for a long, ridiculous meal with a close friend.
28. Do nice things for other people. Often, we are at our happiest when we are making other people happy through small acts of goodness and generosity.
29. Spend your time doing things that you actually like to do – not what you think you should like to do, simply because it’s what other people like to do.
30. Be truthful to yourself, to your life, and to the relationships that are most important to you.

14 Signs Your Male Friend Has A Crush On You

1. He reacts strangely when you bring up your romantic life in front of him. Often, he’ll shut down, trying to change the subject, or make ...