9 things you should know about women

1. Never make fun of their “mascara face.” It’s not pretty, but it gets the job done.

2. Don’t make fun of her for taking selfies. Sure, maybe it’s a little bit shallow and narcissistic, but it beats the hell out of low self-esteem and body shaming. If someone’s happy with the way they look, that’s a step in the right direction.

3. Bring her flowers, compliment her, surprise her with a nice dinner — any little gesture that expresses your feelings. They will appreciate it and not think it’s cheesy like others might.

4. Don’t ever tell them they are “wasting” money on makeup or beauty products and
they won’t tell you you’re “wasting” money on your hobbies. They are not spending $30 on blush for your benefit, they know you can’t tell. Makeup is like their daily art project, just let them decide what tools they want.

5. If you are buying something for them and it comes in pink, get it in pink.
6. The only reason they are ever late in getting ready by the time you want to leave is because they want to look their  best for the evening. Keep in mind that their intentions are good and try to be patient. Or just tell them the event starts 20 minutes earlier than it actually does.

7. They  need more shelf and drawer space in the bathroom than you do. Sorry. You can have the garage.

8 . Sometimes they wear shoes that hurt by the end of the night. Yes this is annoying. It’s also worth it to them or they wouldn’t keep doing it. Heels make them feel sexy and powerful and feminine at the same time. It’s intoxicating — who wouldn’t make this mistake?

9. Tell them they are the most beautiful of all ladies, you will receive kisses for that week

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